Flea Control

Flea Control 0423 66 5678

Fleas are tiny blood sucking insects that originate from animals and birds. These annoying parasites feed and breed on house pets. Cats and dogs are the main cause of most household flea infestations. Fleas are very small and are visible to the naked eye, an adult flea is between 1-3mm. The nuisance pests have six legs, no wings, usually black or brown in colour and appear to be thin in size. It may appear fleas can fly however they are actually jumping. It’s not unusual to see Fleas jump distances of 30cm. Flea control is more than just spraying chemicals. Managing the host source, cleanliness of pests and dusting of low traffic areas are important.

Why are fleas biting?

Fleas bite because they are blood-sucking parasites that live on a host animal. The host animal does not have to be a household pet. The reason for your Flea control call could be various other outdoor animals. Examples include possums, rodents or native wildlife to your specific region. It is not unfamiliar for fleas to travel between animals. Fleas will typically feed on pets at night when they are sleeping or relaxing. When Fleas are feeding they produce saliva that can cause an allergic reaction. Both humans and pests sensitivity to the bites will vary. Scabbing of the skin, small hard welts and itching is common amongst fleabites. Therefore if you know your skin is sensitive every flea control measure will be in place.

Life cycle of Fleas

There are four stages of the flea life cycle; eggs, larvae, pupa, adult. When fleas are at the larvae stage they will develop chewing mouthparts that eat dried blood. When the Fleas have had enough to eat the colour of the blood will turn them to purple looking. Once this has happen they will hide in carpets, stored items and near pet bedding. Adult Fleas then will seek harbourage in floor edges and cracks, to prepare for the breeding cycle. Adults will produce silk cocoons in which to pupate. The pupal stage is finished in roughly ten days, but adults may choose to stay longer. If this is the case then a warm day or another host animal can see the flea re-emerge. Therefore Flea control methods should contain insect growth regulators to stop the breeding cycle.

Life cycle flea control
Life cycle of flea

Do I have a flea problem?

  • Are your pets repeatedly scratching themselves?
  • Pepper looking combination in the pets bedding
  • Regularly examine your pets skin for fleas, bites and scabs
  • Check yourself if you have red itchy welts and possible crumb looking dots on the floor, sheets or other areas which pets roam.
  • Regularly scheduled flea control checks.

There are favoured areas outside where fleas will stay. Outside of the house they will be hiding in dog kennels and resting areas. Most commonly under trees or porches where they are protected from them elements. Flea larvae need humid and moist conditions to survive. Interactions with other outside animals have the potential to spread the infestation. Consequently the summer months are when Fleas are most active and Pest Assured’s busiest Flea control period.

What to do when fleas are spotted

When you have a flea concern the first step is to treat the pets or the source of where they are coming. It is best to seek the advice of a veterinarian specialist to eradicate fleas living on your pets. Always make sure the product you treat your dog with is for your particular pet. Regularly washing your dog will drown fleas that are attached to the body. After washing ensure that the kennel or pet bedding has been carefully washed and cleaned.

Flea control microscope
A Flea under the microscope

Indoor control methods

  • Vacuuming floors, rugs and furniture. Clean in and around skirting boards, behind cabinets and underneath tables and chairs.
  • Washing pet bedding and areas pets sit on a weekly basis
  • Steam cleaning floors, rugs and upholstery (Click here for carpet-tech)

Outdoor control methods

  • Remove remains from trees and vegetation creating shade where pests like to rest.
  • Take away hiding spots for dogs and cats. Examples include underneath balconies, basements and verandahs.
  • Kennels, dog paths and pet seating are to be regularly washed and treated.

Pest Assured will explain this information and how the chemicals work. Certain pesticides alone will not effectively eliminate Fleas. Insect Growth Regulators (IGRs) are always used. This is very important as IGR’s attack the pupa/eggs by breaking the life cycle of the flea. The combination of cleaning floors and correct use pesticides will arise in the successful management of flea control.

Call Pest Assured now 0423 66 5678, to discuss your flea infestation and to correctly manage your unwanted pests.